Water use during hot, humid weather at UWSS

With the hot, humid weather arriving in our area and expected to last over the next few days and potentially into next week, the UWSS would like to remind all users to reduce their daytime/afternoon water use.  Moving your water

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Leamington Water Tower – update June 8, 2022

The Leamington Water Tower Spring maintenance has now been completed. The new cathodic corrosion control system has been installed and the remaining work completed. The tower is now back online and returned to service earlier than anticipated.

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Leamington Water Tower – Maintenance Spring 2022

The Union Water Supply System will be taking the Leamington Water Tower (LWT) offline starting May 30th, 2022 for planned repairs. It is expected to be offline for approximately two (2) weeks while a new cathodic corrosion control system is

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NEWS RELEASE – Upgrades Temporarily Reduces Water Treatment Capacity

The Union Water Supply System (UWSS) has undertaken necessary upgrades to the treatment system. These repairs require that part of the system has been shut down since September 2021. While the scheduled work is moving along, the world wide supply

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Dissolved Air Flotation Project

Over the last several years the Union Water Supply System (UWSS) has undertaken several evaluations and capital works to improve the Ruthven Water Treatment Plant.  As part of the UWSS Water Quality Master Plan (WQMP) completed by Associated Engineering (AE)

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Kingsville Water Tower Back Online

The Kingsville Water Tower (KWT) rehabilitation is nearing completion and with that the KWT is now back online. Residents should be pleased that this rehabilitation will allow the KWT to remain an integral part of the UWSS for many years

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Kingsville Water Tower Updates – June 2021

The Kingsville Water Tower (KWT) rehabilitation project is moving along nicely with the sandblasting portion of the project completed. The interior painting and safety upgrades are ongoing. The exterior painting is also in the process of being completed and the

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Kingsville Water Tower – April 1, 2021

As of April 1st, 2021 the Kingsville Water Tower (KWT) will be starting the next phase of its rehabilitation. The UWSS and OCWA will be taking the KWT offline at the end of day on April 1st, 2021 to start

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